Describe your COI
Describe your Community of Interest (COI) below (Please use the form above):
Please be sure to include what makes it a Community of Interest (e.g. shared culture, common neighborhood projects, etc.) where it is located (i.e. streets, creeks, freeways, or other places that make up the exterior boundaries of your COI) and why it should be kept together (e.g. easier to work with 1 Board Member). A COI can be any size – large or small – and does not need to be the same size as a district. Often multiple COIs are included in one district!
What is your community’s mutual interest?
Where is your community located? Please be as specific as possible – what streets, highways, rivers, etc., make up the boundaries of your COI?
Why should your community be kept together?
Date:__________________________ Name (optional):_______________________________
Please email this completed form (or the information from this form) to, or send it in the mail to 700 E. Tulare Ave. Shafter, CA, 93263. Please share information about your COI before January 10, 2024. Thank you for participating. This process benefits from your knowledge of your community!